
Photo Requests

To request a photoshoot, please fill out our request form below. Please do NOT use this form to ask questions or inquire about photographer availability. Instead, please email questions and inquiries to or call Michelle Denson at +1-412-624-4147. All photos will be delivered to your Microsoft OneDrive account.

Please consider the following when requesting our services:

  • Why is photography needed and how will it be used strategically?
  • Is the photo newsworthy to the news media?
  • How can the subject be photographed to yield the strongest impact? For example, a photograph of a professor working on a research project has greater potential for use than a photo of the professor being recognized at an awards ceremony.
  • Is there potential to amplify the photo through additional use, such as social media, news releases, web, magazine, newspaper, interior display, etc.?
  • How does the photo project support Pitt's strategic goals and initiatives?
  • How will the photography align with the University Brand Guidelines?

Note: If you need a photographer within 48 hours, please call Michelle Denson at +1-412-624-4147.

Portrait Studio Hours

Professional head and shoulder portraits for faculty and staff can be scheduled at our Bellefield Hall studio on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Thursdays from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.

315 South Bellefield Avenue, Room 308
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Please use the online form below to request a time slot for Tuesday or Thursday. When filling out the form, select “on-campus location” for the location, choose “Bellefield Hall” for the University Building, and enter “room 308” for the University Room or Location.

On-Location Assignments

University photographers follow Pitt health and safety guidelines in working on campus. Please email your photography questions to

Our multimedia team produces video content for the Office of University Communications and Marketing channels and provides video consulting, recording and editing services that promote the University’s reputation.

Fill out my online form.

Visual Services does not support the following requests but encourages you to book an approved freelance photographer. Please contact the freelancer directly for availability and pricing.

  • Photos for a department's personal use in memory albums or scrapbooks.
  • Requests for which a majority of photos will not be used in a publication and/or media placement.
  • Photos intended as gifts or mementos.
  • Photos for student organizations.