Our Team

Pitt people are what make our work outstanding. We bring a diverse variety of backgrounds, expertise and creativity to your projects. Do you have a love of higher ed marketing and communications and want to join our team? Apply online.

Rachel Decker Richelieu Rachel Decker Richelieu
Vice Chancellor for Communications and Marketing
Tom Altany Tom Altany
Sarah Ayer Sarah Ayer
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Communications
Lexi Belculfine Lexi Belculfine
Senior Director, Project Strategy
Zachary Beresh headshot Zachary Beresh
Creative Director
Christin Bongiorni Christin Bongiorni
Associate Director of Production
Adam Christian Adam Christian
Robyn Coggins Robyn Coggins
Senior Director, Content Strategy
John Cooper John Cooper
Director, University Web Communications
Jumoke Davis Jumoke Davis
Director of Video Production
Michelle Denson Michelle Denson
Associate, Marketing
Ervin Dyer Ervin Dyer
Senior Editor, Pitt Magazine
Nichole Faina Nichole Faina
Content Manager, Pittwire
Brett Fera Brett Fera
Editor in Chief, Pitt Magazine
Chuck Finder Chuck Finder
Senior Director, Media Relations
Nick France Nick France
Media Specialist
Sarah Gintner Sarah Gintner
Executive Assistant
Ellie Graves Ellie Graves
Senior Director of Communications
Kimberle Greene
Growth Enablement Manager
Donovan Harrell
Communications Specialist
Jennifer Hartley Jennifer Hartley
Digital Project Manager
Brandie Jefferson Brandie Jefferson
Senior Director of Research Communications
Lola Johnson Lola Johnson
Media Specialist
April Johnston-Smith April Johnston Smith
Deputy Editor, Pitt Magazine
Chris Jones Chris Jones
Senior Interactive Art Director
Susan Jones Susan Jones
Editor, University Times
Adam Kilburn Adam Kilburn
Video Editor
Amy Kleebank Amy Kleebank
Art Director
Kevin Kulesa Kevin Kulesa
Graphic Designer
Julie LaBar
Senior Director, Marketing Communications
Marty Levine Marty Levine
Writer, University Times
Chris Markle Chris Markle
Art Director
Sarah McMullen Sarah McMullen
Director, Project Management Office
Patrick Monahan Patrick Monahan
Content Manager, Pittwire
Alex Mowrey Alex Mowrey
Social Media Content Strategist
Kevin Oates Kevin Oates
Digital Asset Management Coordinator
Aimee Obidzinski Aimee Obidzinski
Assistant Director, Visual Services
Daniel Owens Daniel Owens
Allie Parady Allie Parady
Graphic Designer
Kristen Penkrot Kristen Penkrot
Digital Project Manager
Elliott Pippin Elliot Pippin
Engagement Manager
Marygrace Reder Marygrace Reder
Marketing Manager
Meg Ringler Meg Ringler
Senior Communications Director, Issues Management
Sarah Jordan Rosenson Sarah Jordan Rosenson
Editorial Associate
Stacey Rosleck Stacey Rosleck
Digital Project Manager
Terry Jarbe headshot Terry Rowley
Communications Manager, Public Safety and Emergency Management
Emily Rybinski Emily Rybinski
Senior Director, Strategy and Integration
Sherry Shrum Sherry Shrum
Office Manager
Nora Smith Nora Smith
Managing Editor, Pittwire
Madeline Spadafore Madeline Spadafore
Web Production Specialist
Chuck Staresinic Chuck Staresinic
Director of Executive Speechwriting
Headshot of Anastasia Stolz Anastasia Stolz
Digital Communications Specialist
Jared Stonesifer Jared Stonesifer
Senior Director, External Communications
Dru Sturgess Dru Sturgess
Digital Project Manager
Ink Urho-Young
Graduate Marketing Manager
Shannon Wells Shannon Wells
Writer, University Times
Alane Wholey Alane Wholey
Assistant Director, Web Services
Dee Dee Woods
Brand Manager