We maintain an archive of photographic images, including a selection of high-resolution stock photos of Pitt leaders and landmark buildings available for download.
Our team of exceptional photographers provides high-quality, brand imagery to be used in official University materials, outreach, and website communications. Let us help you to amplify Pitt’s instructional, institutional and research missions.
We also provide images for download and from our vast collection through Widen, our Digital Asset Management system.
To request a photographer for your project on a specific date, time and location, please use our online form for photography.
Our photo services align strategically with the initiatives outlined in the Plan for Pitt. When requesting a photographer, please consider the key drivers in visually telling Pitt’s story.
Approval is required for any filming or photography on Pitt property.
We maintain an archive of photographic images, including a selection of high-resolution stock photos of Pitt leaders and landmark buildings available for download.
Aimee Obidzinski
Assistant Director, Visual Services
Photography Team